Contact Information


NAME:  Public Health Command Europe Army Hearing Program


TELEPHONE:  +49 (0) 6371 9464 9718

DSN:  314-590-9718

MAILING ADDRESS: Public Health Command Europe, Army Hearing Program, CMR 402, APO AE 09180

About the Army Hearing Program
Our mission is to maximize hearing and communication thus contributing to survivability, lethality, mission effectiveness and quality of life through four distinct yet overlapping pillars: Hearing Readiness, Clinical Hearing Services, Operational Hearing Services and Hearing Conservation. 

Our vision is to optimize Soldier readiness and survivability through hearing health education, appropriately fitted hearing protection devices (HPDs) and annual monitoring audiometry testing for: 
  • All Soldiers in all Compos and any MOS assigned to USAREUR. 
  • All noise exposed DA civilians and Local Nationals who are assigned to USAREUR and enrolled in the OSHA model based Hearing Conservation Program which falls under the purview of the Occupational Health section at PHCE.
Hearing PROgram Officer Training

Target Audience: The Hearing Program Officer (HPO) serves as the individual to manage the unit’s hearing program and to serve as a point of contact for the installation hearing program manager.

Description: This four-hour training is available to those who meet the rank requirements of SSG or above and who have been appointed on orders as their unit’s Hearing Program Officer IAW AER 40-501. The training focuses on the following core objectives: 

  • Monitoring unit Army Hearing Program for annual compliance
  • Providing annual educational briefing for hearing conservation
  • Hearing protection available for Soldiers
  • Basic hearing system anatomy and medical profiles
  • PPG requirements for Soldiers deploying

Courses Dates are determined based on need and must be coordinated via our office. They usually are offered every last Friday in Landstuhl and Grafenwoehr (Camp Aachen). Starting in September, the HPO Courses in Grafenwoehr will be held the last Friday of the month.

Registration is required at least 10 days prior to the start of the course.

Please send the registration form and copy of your additional duty appointment orders to the AHP-E Org box at: Please, do not encrypt the email.