Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application:
AHLTA is the military medical and dental clinical information system that will generate and maintain a comprehensive, life-long, computer-based patient record for each Military Health System (MHS) beneficiary.
Consular Report of Birth (Birth Certificate):
Military medical treatment facilities do not issue birth certificates. The Consular Report of Birth is the document those born overseas to military parents most often require. More.
Medical Treatment Records:
Looking for copies of medical treatment records? Visit the National Archives in St. Louis.
Obtaining care on the economy:
Much of the specialty care and most of the emergency medical services available come from off-post host nation providers. Knowing the some of the language can help. Download a copy of a seven-language medical phrase book here. 
Understanding RSV risk to children:
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a virus that usually causes respiratory illness in children under two years of age. It occurs primarily from November through April. RSV is the most common cause of bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways in the lung) and pneumonia in children under one year of age in the United States.
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS):
DEERS is the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System. It is the mechanism for all DOD Services to verify who is entitled to medical care at military treatment facilities. You can view and update your information in the DEERS database at their site.
Host Nation Patient Liaison Program:
The thought of staying overnight in a host nation hospital can be intimidating. Our Host Nation Patient Liaisons can help.
Fisher House at Landstuhl:
The Fisher House Foundation operates a Fisher House at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center where families can stay while visiting their Wounded Warriors.
ACS supports Family Readiness:
Army Community Service offices around Europe support Family Readiness. Click here for the ACS Web site.