Career Counselor


  • Administers daily operations of the commander's retention program.
  • Ensures the commander and command sergeant major are continually updated regarding the readiness posture of the organizational Army Retention Program and compliance with HQDA and higher headquarters regulatory guidance.
  • Ensures completion of all required tasks, functions, duties and program compliance with HQDA and higher headquarters guidance.
  • Maintains and publishes statistics on Army Retention Program eligibles, missions, and accomplishments. Maintain mission projections, identifying potentially detrimental trends and/or retention mission shortfalls. Formulate and submit timely and specific recommendations for the commander to implement. Assign reenlistment and RC enlistment/transfer missions to subordinate units.
  • Exercises operational supervision over subordinate unit reenlistment programs and personnel.
  • Prepares and conducts formal training for subordinate personnel. Ensure soldiers are trained and remain sufficiently proficient to perform their assigned duties and responsibilities in support of the Army Retention Program.
  • Conducts briefings, including but not limited to, Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Program (NCOPD) training, Commander's Call, NCO Call, and so on, of current Active Army and Reserve Component information to all leaders and soldiers.
  • Counsels soldiers and family members regarding the benefits and opportunities within the Army Retention Program.
  • Ensures eligible soldiers, not desiring reenlistment, are referred to and counseled by the servicing RC Career Counselor, at a minimum, as specified by AR 601-280.
  • Advises commanders on the bar to continued service preparation, imposition and removal procedures as well as its impacts, reviews and separation requirements.
  • Operates the RETAIN system. Ensures correct input into RETAIN of soldier’s qualifications. Obtains the RETAIN worksheet and counsels soldiers regarding available reenlistment/extension options. Obtains Reenlistment Control Number (RCN)/Extension Control Number (ECN) from the RETAIN system. Reports accomplished reenlistments/extensions on RETAIN.
  • Ensures the Army Retention Program is sufficiently publicized, ensuring information is available and distributed throughout the command.
  • Assists the commander in developing, implementing, and maintaining an effective Incentive Awards Program, supporting attainment of assigned retention and enlistment/transfer missions.
  • Coordinates payments of reenlistment bonus entitlements and accrued leave, as required, through the servicing FAO.
Retaining Our Best And Brightest With Dignity And Respect

Contact Information



Sembach, Bldg 110




8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.