How often is training is required?
Noise-exposed personnel must complete a Hearing Health Education briefing at least annually. Employees who understand the reason they are on the hearing conservation program will be more motivated to participate in the program by wearing hearing protection and attending required annual hearing exams.
What are the mandatory training topics?
The mandatory training topics include: the effects of noise; the purpose, advantages, and disadvantages of various types of hearing protectors; the selection, fit, and care of protectors; and the purpose and procedures of audiometric testing.
Additional hearing health education topics may include: an overview of the Army Hearing Program; the mechanisms of hearing loss and the impact of hearing loss on communication; and hearing loss prevention tactics.
Who can conduct the hearing health education brief?
Personnel well-versed in all components of the AHP may serve as qualified instructors.
Qualified instructors include:
- The Army Hearing Program Office
- Preventative medicine professionals
- Occupational Health nurses
- Safety Officers
- DoD certified hearing technicians or hearing program officers
Online training is also available on Milsuite. The training link below meets the basic hearing health education requirements by the DoD Hearing Conservation Program (DODI 6055.12). A certificate of completion is available upon successful completion of this training
What are the annual training documentation requirements?
A log of all individuals trained must be maintained in order to adhere with OSHA and AER 40-501 regulations. Training may be documented on a roster or in DTMS. Training certificates from online courses can be added to safety binders. If tracking using DTMS, please use DTMS Code: Task Number: 081-68U-0011, Task Name: Conduct Hearing Loss Prevention Education.
Educational Materials are also available via the Hearing Center of Excellence at