G-4 - Logistics

The MRC,EUR G4 delivers an integrated system of medical logistics materiel, equipment, maintenance, and services along the continuum of operational and institutional Army Health System (AHS) missions.

  • MRC,EUR G4 determines the goals and execution strategies needed to deliver medical logistics materiel, maintenance and services efficiently and effectively across the Region.
  • Provides health technology lifecycle management and maintenance to support innovative, secure, and reliable patient care to the warfighter and their family
  • Provides oversight and management compliance of an enterprise approach to Fleet Management.
  • Develops the logistics estimates of all mobilization, contingency, and emergency plans.
  • Provides expertise to facilitate an integrated, collaborative process for medical materiel standardization to improve clinical outcomes, enhance readiness and training, control costs, and improve interoperability.
  • Conducts staff assistance visits and inspections to subordinate units.

Contact Information


Sembach, Bldg 110

Assistant Chief of Staff for Logistics / G4: 590-2077
Deputy, G4: 590-2252
Current Operations: 590-2249
NCOIC / Service Contracts: 590-2247
Healthcare Technology Management: 590-2269
Supply System Analyst, Medical Materiel Management: 590-2211
Property Management: 590-9794


EMAIL: usarmy.sembach.medcom-rhc-e.list.g4@mail.mil

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.