The MRC,EUR Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) will ensure that each Soldier is provided quality support and services as they navigate the Integrated Disability Evaluation System. The IDES staff will provide the information that allows the Soldiers to make informed decisions throughout the process and ensure Soldiers cases are process in an accurate and efficient manner.
The Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) is a joint program between the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that allows the disability evaluation system of the Army (and those of the other military services) to run concurrently with the VA's while Soldiers are still on active duty. IDES was developed and implemented to improve unit readiness; reduce the number of non-deployable Service Members, and create an evaluative process which is more effective, efficient, and supportive of Service Members. The OCONUS IDES Process is the same with the caveat that Soldiers stationed in OCONUS will go TDY to Fort Bragg or Fort Stewart for 2 weeks to enable completion of VA Compensation & Pension exams by Veterans Administration Providers.
Soldiers assigned to the US Army Europe (USAREUR) operating environment and assigned within the following Combatant Commands: European Command (EUCOM), African Command (ARICOM), US Army Africa (USARAF), Special Operations Command Europe (SOCOMEUR), and Central Command (CENTCOM) will be processed through the MRC,EUR IDES process.
Soldiers and their families are encouraged to contact the local MTF IDES Section for all IDES processing questions.
Contact Information is listed below.
Soldiers receiving a P3/P4 profile will be referred into the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) process which will trigger multiple overlapping and cascading actions. A Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer (PEBLO) at your local Military Treatment Facility (MTF) and IDES Movement Contact Representative from Regional Health Command Europe will be contacting you and your Soldier. Both organizations will schedule and conduct the required medical briefings, exams, VA Claim Interview Teleconference, coordinate the IDES TDY movement to CONUS VA.
All Soldiers will stay assigned to their current unit during the IDES process. Commanders must be prepared to support their Soldier’s IDES process. All Soldiers in the IDES process must travel in a TDY and Return status to conduct their VA Compensation and Pension examinations. The Defense Travel System (DTS) actions for the IDES TDY movement will be preformed by the IDES Movement Contact Representative. All Soldiers will travel in groups with IDES Escorts.
1. Allow Soldiers to attend all IDES appointments.
2. Ensure Soldiers are not on leave, TDY or exercise until after MEB Phase (Signing of DA Form 3947).
3. Ensure their Soldier, Spouse, and Supervisor attend the VA Claim Interview Teleconference.
4. Provide transportation for the Soldier to and from the Frankfurt or other OCONUS airport for the IDES TDY
Medical Readiness Command, Europe
Integrated Disability Evaluation System
Patient Movement Cell
LRMC/Vicenza Movement Questions call DSN: 590-2764
Bavaria Movement Questions call DSN: 590-2450
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center
IDES Section
DSN: 590-2639/6491
Bavaria Medical Activity
IDES Section
DSN: 590-2356/2462
Vicenza Health Center
IDES Section
DSN: 636-9529
Frequently Asked Questions about IDES
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)